Friday, August 21, 2009

That's Why We're Here!

I have recently had the distinct honor and pleasure to come back to my home to stay with my 97 year old foster mother, "Gram". Usually, after supper, we have had an opportunity to spend time together talking about various things that are on Gram's heart. As has been the topic of conversation in the last forty years of our conversations, Gram directs me, and all who will listen, to her love of the Lord, and what the scriptures and experiences have meant in her life.

A few days ago, Gram asked me if I would help her write a few words to share with others, to encourage those who need to be reminded of God's love. Gram emphatically said, "That's why we're here!" I was humbled that, at 97 years old, Gram still knows exactly why she's here on this earth - to be a source of encouragement and a blessing as a witness to others.

I agreed, and decided to start a blog so others could benefit from the great devotion and wisdom I witness every day from my own quiet conversations with my role model and the Mother of My Heart. Gram, who has quoted scripture in everyday conversation as long as I can remember, said that she wanted to share Jeremiah 31:3. I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. Her relationship with Christ is one of love, first and foremost, and she has exhibited the love she has received from Him in the way she so freely shares her own love with others.

As I sat down to write this first post, I took out her old Bible that she has had for many, many years. It was given to her by her late husband, and my foster dad. These words were written on the inside cover by Gram years ago:

"It is essential that we always come to God's Word with a readiness to receive. Remember, it is God's Word, not man's - straight from the heart of God, to us, personally. It is a powerful Word, living and enlivening. The Bible is the Christian's chart, guidebook, soul food, textbook for spiritual education and ministry tool. It is even more, and great portions of scripture represent a love letter from a gracious Father to his precious children. Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship."

So, this begins the journey. I know some of you have already had the opportunity to have your lives touched, and even transformed by Gram's encouragement, love and words. It is my desire that others, who have never met Gram, will somehow catch a glimpse of what it means to be steadfast and ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you (1Peter 3:15), as has been evident in Gram's life through the years.

If any of you have any memories or comments for this blog, please feel free to share!

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